
Showing posts from June, 2019


CREATION     Light  and love sustain all of Creation. Experts in the field say that creation evolved over 13 billion years. Creation is still happening now and expanding. Scripture confirms that in Rom 8:22,  For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs until now. Science tells us that we have now hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with  billions of stars! HOW GREAT THOU ART... !  as the hymn goes. What expands, according to Teilhard de Chardin  (paleontologist) must eventually converge and  we are included in it.   (Rohr , DVD on Cosmology, 2010 ) We are all children of the Light. The Creator wants species to self create.  Why can't we get that?... Ordinary matter is the hiding place for Spirit.    R. Rohr The most telling and profound way to describing evolution of the universe would undoubtedly be to trace the evolution of love.    T. de Chardin ...


NATURE BEAUTY (pic sent by a friend) beauty from ashes...  (pic sent by a friend) (pic sent by a friend) SUNRISE (pic sent by a friend) SUNRISE... (pic sent by a friend) BEAUTY  draws us within and gives us joy! Wherever there is beauty, the inner essence  shines through and if you are present, you will experience it. When walking or resting in nature, honor that realm by being there fully. Be still, look, listen. E. Tolle from STILLNESS SPEAKS, 2003, p. 78 Nature always wears the colors of spirit... Emerson Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.    Rachel Carson Spirit is forever captured in matter, and matter is the place where Spirit shows itself. It is one sacred world.    Richard Rohr  p. 214 from his book EAGER TO LOVE, 2014 Our task must be to free ourselves from prison by widening ...


A CACTUS IN BLOOM SPEAKS OF PRAISE A WHOLE DESERT SPEAKS OF STILLNESS The desert is like a monastery where one meets Presence. Sometimes life's events feel desert-like; yet we are not alone, in the midst of our solitude, we find Presence, Stillness... The desert is a place of transformation and freedom. It can mean a place to die... The desert is a mystical place where creation and God are ONE. God is an artist...."How Great Thou Art"...(hymn) "The beauty of the world is Christ's smile for us coming through matter."  Simone Weil Desert beauty invites stillness; it connects us with our true Self, our Divine Self. And that is beauty!! ( photos on this post were sent by a friend from Tucson, Az ) Search NATURE BEAUTY or INDEX http:// connectwithlucyusingphotos.   


crocus beauty BEAUTY...... Beauty in art, music, nature, photos, can give us Special moments/Grace moments/ God Moments . It leads us to the mystery within. Sometimes we also experience Grace in dreams, movies, books, blogs or with people.  Also, Grace can be infused (an awakening passes by...) when we least expect it while driving, cleaning... Beauty brings peace and  connects us with our True Self. Beauty fills the senses and awakens the soul.... John O'Donohue Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted.  Kahil Gibran If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere... V. Van Gogh Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.  Confucius INNOCENT BEAUTY OF CHILDREN print of El Greco's painting of THE MADONNA  1604 Painting by Angela Tahara  2014 natural cone roses MOTHER TERESA ( icon of love ...soul beauty) (photo from the book by Maya Gold) Architecture beauty ...Temple in Bangkok ...


SOLITUDE           Solitude is not loneliness. Solitude is Homecoming. In Solitude we come home to our True Self, our Divine Indwelling, our Spirit within us, among us and everywhere...In solitude we cease to label and judge; we give compassion instead because we have encountered LOVE.  In solitude, we recognize our oneness; we realize our uniqueness; we sense our eternal Being; we come Home. I have never found a companion as companionable as solitude.... Thoreau The quieter you become, the more you can hear..... Ram Dass My soul connects to nature as though it has come home..... Celtic Spirituality NEAR RESTFUL WATERS HE LEADS ME...Ps 23 Homecoming Sanctum Sanctum invites stillness, solitude for more, search INDEX     http://connectwithlucyusingp