
Showing posts from December, 2021
JESUS/YESHUA_ _> a man for all of humanity even if he lived 2K years ago. How is Jesus a man for all time and all people? the values he lived, values as relevant today as it was then. What are those values?...justice, equality, integrity. Jesus reminded the people often of the importance to change their mind and heart (repent) regarding riches/wealth, status, war, power, authority, regulations (see Leviticus). For the Jews, politics and religion were the same. Obeying the laws or the king meant obeying God. JESUS WAS NOT A PARTISAN, HE WANTED JUSTICE AND EQUALITY FOR ALL...THE RICH AND THE POOR...HE SOUGHT THE COMMON GOOD... JESUS was a universal person. He showed compassion to everyone and gave special attention to the poor and the oppressed. At times, he comforted by the wonder of miracles but always with humility. His prayer was universal: THAT THEY MAY BE ONE...(Jn 17:21) His prayer was also quiet: many times he left the crowd to center. As Nolan states,the willingnes...