DEATH Most people are afraid of even the word. Yet, death means new life, free life , free of pain, worries, anxieties... new birth. The Buddhists recommend visiting morgues so as to realize the brevity of life here on earth and the importance of living well. Christians and, I think that all spiritual people, urge us to reflect on that same truth. EVEN DEATH IS NOT TO BE FEARED BY ONE WHO HAS LIVED WISELY. Buddha DO NOT FEAR FOR I AM WITH YOU , DO NOT BE DISMAYED FOR I AM YOUR GOD. I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU. Is 41:10 WHETHER WE LIVE OR DIE, WE ARE THE LORD'S. Rom 14:8 DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP IN VICTORY. 1 Cor 15:54 THE GRAVE IS ONLY A CURTAIN FOR THE PARADISE BEHIND. Rumi LIFE AND DEATH ARE ONE, EVEN AS THE RIVER AND THE SEA ARE ONE. K Gibran DEATH IS THE TRANSITION TO UNITY WITH ULTIMATE REALITY. Thomas Keating THE OPPOSITE OF DEATH IS BIRTH....