
Showing posts from November, 2019


JUSTICE  is a difficult virtue to describe since it involves the heart. The just heart lives in balance and harmony with giving and receiving.  It keeps balance between buying and not buying. The just heart is wise and lives in harmony with the poor and the rich.    Sounds idealistic? is, but achievable to the just heart.  Capitalism is good at generating wealth...not so good at spreading it nourishes greed.    Arthur Simon Sharing the wealth produces equality... If human society loses the value of justice, the next generation will face greater difficulties and more suffering.    Dalai Lama Nothing is to be preferred before justice.    Socrates There is no justice in killing in the name of justice.    Desmond Tutu Let justice roll like a river...  Amos 5:24 When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous... Prov 21:15 JUST HEART  Search INDEX   http...


SHADOWS and REFLECTIONS  create surprises and draw us within. CROCUS SHADOW - for more, search MYSTERY WITHIN or INDEX   http://connectwithlucyusingpho


In quietness and trust shall be your STRENGTH...Is 30:15    STRENGTH   is an energy from within. SEEK THE LORD AND HIS STRENGTH   Ps 105 Cedars...symbol of strength Nature invites stillness and gives us strength In the day when I cry out, You discovered me and made me bold with strength in my soul. Ps 138:3 There is an unseen, intangible Wind strengthening us...   Jane Goodall   When we meet with tragedy, we can use the challenge to find our inner strength.... the Buddha Search INDEX http://connectwithlucyusingpho


HEALING      We are all in need of healing. Sometimes we need physical healing from illness or from a handicap. Other times, we need psychological/emotional healing from abuse, from grief, from fear and from hurt feelings. We also need spiritual healing from discouragement, from despair, from doubt and faith crisis...the list goes on as we journey... Where is the Source of our healing?...This Source of LOVE reside within us, among us, in nature and everywhere....However, if we visualize this Source as being far away outside of ourselves, the healing is very difficult. For unexplainable reasons, healing can be instant or progressive. Is all physical healing realized?...No, but one is always assured of a spiritual healing by finding courage to accept the reality of our situation... Trees grow strong from the wind and storms... Jesus went about teaching, preaching and healing all kinds of disease among the people...   Matt 4:23 Your faith has made you well...


TRUSTING .....Hoping, waiting, trusting, are all connected and as Sarah Young writes: We wait expectantly in hopeful trust, one day at a time. Blessed is the person who trusts in You , Lord..... Ps 84:12 Do not worry... Matt 6: 23-34 Hoping and trusting is a choice, a choice meant to make us grow.  ( based on the book JESUS CALLING by S. Young)   From the same devotional book, see April 15 and May 7. search HOPE or INDEX http://connectwithlucyusingpho


Nature draws us within where we find PEACE and PRESENCE. Another word for Presence is Awareness which is conscious connection with the universal intelligence/Being.   E. Tolle PRESENCE pic sent by a friend Search INDEX http://connectwithlucyusingpho


INDEX      Because this blog is long at 85 some posts, here is an index of the many topics. This blog explains briefly each post and gives quotes to show its universality.  If you are new to this blog, you might wish to scroll down to the topic of your choice and click  Q  (top Right of the blog) and print, or copy and  paste the topic desired, then click search . The Q icon  feature is the magic of Blogger. Thank you Blogger, thank you readers for sharing this blog with your friends. Hope you enjoy the universal aspect of my blog...lucy matthews INDEX TRUE SELF *                                                           SEARCH AND YOU WILL FIND... MYSTERY IN/FROM A PHOTO /b> CARTOONS AUTHORS BLESSING FOR ALL WAR UNITY CREATION* AUTUMN GALLERY TRUTH      ...


WINTER ART is fascinating and beautiful. Like all beauty, it draws us within. frost on window pane (pic sent by a friend) Search STILLNESS http:// connectwithlucyusingphotos.