JUSTICE is a difficult virtue to describe since it involves the heart. The just heart lives in balance and harmony with giving and receiving. It keeps balance between buying and not buying. The just heart is wise and lives in harmony with the poor and the rich. Sounds idealistic?...it is, but achievable to the just heart. Capitalism is good at generating wealth...not so good at spreading it around...it nourishes greed. Arthur Simon Sharing the wealth produces equality... If human society loses the value of justice, the next generation will face greater difficulties and more suffering. Dalai Lama Nothing is to be preferred before justice. Socrates There is no justice in killing in the name of justice. Desmond Tutu Let justice roll like a river... Amos 5:24 When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous... Prov 21:15 JUST HEART Search INDEX http...