
Showing posts from December, 2019


MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!! INCARNATION..... Most Christians think of Incarnation as the birth of Jesus which we celebrate December 25 as Christmas Day. For Christians, Jesus is Christ, Lord and also EMMANUEL which literally means GOD WITH US !! For Christians who think of the Cosmic or the Universal Christ, Incarnation actually originates at the Big Bang, billions of years ago, (which new Science tells us now, that it could be a gentle bounce).  Regardless of the origin of the Universe, it is considered the Body of God/Christ and our first sacred book. However, the man Jesus (Yeshua, the Nazarene) was born or manifested 2K years ago. The more we awaken to the above reality, the more we will love and respect all of creation. (For more on the Cosmic/Universal Christ by R. Rohr, google that title.) AT THE BEGINNING, GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS (firmament) AND THE EARTH.    Gen 1:1 THROUGH HIM   (Christ) ALL THINGS WERE MADE... Jn 1:3 CHRIST IS ALL IN ALL... Col 3:11 IN CHRI


HANUKKAH   is a Jewish eight-day wintertime festival of lights celebrated with a menorah lighting, special prayers, special food and gifts. It takes place usually in late December. HAPPY HANUKKAH to all our Jewish brothers and sisters !! Picture and bible verses are taken from the book THE LIGHTS OF HANUKKAH by Barbara Rush, 2003 ARISE,  SHINE, FOR YOUR LIGHT HAS DAWNED, THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD HAS SHONE UPON YOU.     Is. 60:1 THE SPIRIT OF MAN IS THE LAMP OF THE LORD.    Prov 20:27 FOR WITH YOU IS THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE; BY YOUR LIGHT WE SEE LIGHT.    Ps 36:9 THEREFORE, HONOR THE LORD WITH LIGHT.    Is 24:15 HAPPY HANUKKAH !! http:// connectwithlucyusingphotos.


LOVE  is a gift to give and a gift to receive.   It expresses as understanding, kindness,  mindfulness and compassion. It is universal and it carries its own reward. L'IMPORTANT C'EST LA ROSE  ( song )               LOVE THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR MIND, HEART AND SOUL; LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.  ( Dt.. 6:5  O.T.) I HAVE LOVED YOU WITH AN EVERLASTING LOVE... Jr 31:3 HIS LOVE ENDURES FOR ALL GENERATIONS.    Ps 103               LOVE ONE ANOTHER. THEN I WILL KNOW THAT YOU ARE MY DISCIPLES; LOVE EVEN YOUR ENEMY AND PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HATE YOU... ( Jesus, N.T.) GOD LOVED US FIRST.    1 Jn 4:19 GOD IS LOVE  1 Jn 4:8   see also the greatest gift: 1 Cor 13:1-13 WHY DO YOU LOOK AT THE SPECK IN YOUR BROTHER'S EYE BUT DO NOT PERCEIVE THE LOG IN YOUR OWN EYE...  Jn 6:41                 LOVE IS A GIFT OF ONE'S INNER MOST SOUL TO ANOTHER SO BOTH CAN BE WHOLE.  (Buddha )               WHEN A PERSON RESPONDS TO THE JOYS AND SORROWS OF OTHERS AS IF THEY WERE HIS OWN, HE

LOVE - Universal Inspirations by Lucy



THE MOTHER      We all have a biological mother and for many of us, she is already in Heaven. There is another Mother who lived 2 K years ago and who is the Mother of all; her name is Mary/Marie/Maria. We know very little about her but like most mothers, she is loving and caring. As the song goes, she is a gentle Mother giving wisdom, peace and joy. We know also that she was a woman of sorrows...who would not be seeing one's own son crucified...At a young age, she heard these prophetic words: A sword shall pierce you heart...  Lk 2:35 Years ago, I read that Gandhi had a picture of Mother Mary and of her son Jesus/Yeshua in his ashram... now, Gandhi was not an antique collector. Gandhiji ( as he is affectionately called by his followers) was a loving, universal soul, a Hindu saint honoring Jesus and Mary. Catholics needed a feminine face of God and that explains why they give great honor to Mary...and why not?...after all she is the Mothe


Resting in nature gives us  GOD MOMENTS...   Nature draws us within and gives us                         God Moments !!  Teacher of Presence  Be still and know... peace... hope Nature is a teacher of Presence, Homecoming and "God moments". NATURE IS OUR FIRST EXPRESSION OF LOVE sanctum stillness love beauty     http://connectwithlucyusingp   Search INDEX using icon Q, top R of the blog.                                                                                                                     


THE MYSTERY WITHIN IS OUR TRUE SELF We often first connect with the MYSTERY WITHIN through the beauty of nature. THE MYSTERY WITHIN IS LOVE THE MYSTERY WITHIN IS SPIRIT YELLOW MAGNOLIA COSMIC BEAUTY Beauty reminds us of the MYSTERY WITHIN us. THE MYSTERY WITHIN IS LOVE for more, click on     http://connectwithlucyusingpho     search BEAUTY or INDEX