There is another Mother who lived 2 K years ago and who is the Mother of all; her name is Mary/Marie/Maria. We know very little about her but like most mothers, she is loving and caring. As the song goes, she is a gentle Mother giving wisdom, peace and joy. We know also that she was a woman of sorrows...who would not be seeing one's own son crucified...At a young age, she heard these prophetic words: A sword shall pierce you heart... Lk 2:35
Years ago, I read that Gandhi had a picture of Mother Mary and of her son Jesus/Yeshua in his ashram... now, Gandhi was not an antique collector. Gandhiji ( as he is affectionately called by his followers) was a loving, universal soul, a Hindu saint honoring Jesus and Mary.
Catholics needed a feminine face of God and that explains why they give great honor to Mary...and why not?...after all she is the Mother of Jesus and honored
all over the world.
You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus...Lk 1:31
Near the cross of Jesus, stood his mother...Jn 19:25
She kept all these things and pondered them in her heart...Lk 2:19
For more on Mary from Scripture, read Matt 1:18-25, or Luke 1: 26-38, 46-56.
If you ever feel distressed, call on our Lady... she has never failed me. Mother Teresa
**Mother Mary, heal our broken world and our broken hearts. Thank you for restoring its Peace. Amen. **
El Greco's Madonna
The 4 pictures below in black and white are taken from the book THE OTHER FACES OF MARY, 2004 by Ann Ball.
For more pictures and stories of Mary, refer to the same book.
Our Lay of Chapi, Peru |
Our Lady of Tra Kieu, Vietnam |
Our Lady Queen and Protectress of Nigeria Our Lady of Peking, China by a Romanian artist, 2012, Nicu Luta Mother of mothers |
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