
Showing posts from January, 2020


This is my last post to say __ FAREWELL  !!  According to Blogger, a blog is NOT deleted... So if you wish to look at my blog again or for the first time, use the URL and search INDEX for the topic of your choice addressing briefly universal concerns we all have as human beings. (use the Q icon search top R of the blog) If this blog gives you a love of nature, I am most happy since nature is the first doorway to Divine Reality/Spirit everywhere, in everyone and in everything... We hope that this blog will remain "Good News" forever.  Thank you Blogger, thank you readers and viewers for sharing this blog. If you see flaws in Christianity, read prophetic Richard Rohr, Pope Francis or Philip Yancey; if you are a Buddhist, read T. N. Hanh or ponder the words of the Dalai Lama; if Jewish, read Rabbi Harold Kushner; if Muslim, read Mirabai Starr; if you are non traditionalist, read E. Tolle and spend hours in nature. For anyone wanting an easy practical text, read Chittister...


DIVINE  the Source of our God moments, Grace moments, Special moments. It is the Source of our unity, and our interspiritual activity. It is the Source of all life and it touches the heart of everyone. The essence of all faith traditions and of spiritual guides, honor the Divine Reality within, in others, in nature, everywhere and in every thing. Different words are used to express this Ultimate/Divine Reality:  GOD, ALLAH, YAHWEH (YHWH), LORD, THE ABSOLUTE/ULTIMATE REALITY, PRESENCE,  HIGHER POWER, LIGHT, SPIRIT,  CREATOR, BRAHMAN/ATMAN, the TAO, SACRED FIRE, OCEAN OF LIFE, VISHNU, TRUE SELF, CONSCIOUSNESS, BEING, I AM, UNIVERSAL LOVE... WE USE WORDS TO GO BEYOND WORDS AND REACH A WORDLESS ESSENCE.     Buddhist saying WE LOOK AT IT AND DO NOT SEE IT;   IT'S NAME IS THE INVISIBLE.  ...Lao-Tzu THE GREAT TAO FLOWS EVERYWHERE.   Lao-Tzu BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. .....Ps 46:10 I AM HOME IN THE HERE AND NOW...


NOW WE KNOW that the nameless God has a thousand names or more*...Now we know that God is beyond gender and has both masculine and feminine attributes. Now we know that God is unconditional LOVE, unrestricted LIGHT, and everywhere LIFE. Now we know that all faith traditions teach prayer and love/compassion towards everyone. Now we know that if we accept and respect our differences, peace on Earth can be visible and even Mother Earth will sense it. Now we know that even Science is helping us understand our own reality.     After reading and reflecting on all faith traditions, one has to conclude that no faith tradition is perfect__none. There is a crack in everything, that's how light gets in. ** All have used violence/wars and imposed rules/commands to achieve its goal. However, LOVE is perfect and universal. All traditions teach of the Ultimate Reality, love of oneself, love of others and love of Mother Earth. Over time, all religions need renewal, adaptation, in...


MERRY CHRISTMAS TO OUR UKRAINIAN FRIENDS AND ALL ORTHODOX FRIENDS!! Nativity, print of the painting by DeGrazia  search CHRISTMAS and UNIVERSAL PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR http:// connectwithlucyusingphotos.


UNIVERSAL PRAYER.....for the NEW YEAR Spirit of Love  and Light everywhere, Spirit/Comforter within our weary heart, thank you for your love, your Presence and for your inspiration to action leading us to compassion for ourselves and for others. Thank you for the blessings of the past year. Thank you for sustaining our life and that of all creation. May our hurt/pain/suffering teach us forgiveness and the wisdom to bless the event or person(s) involved. May there be civility and respect in the world for all forms of life. May we see nature as sacred. May all interspiritual  groups dialogue and share unity. Let's visualize a world where there is joy, hope, justice and peace in every corner. GRACIAS !! Let there be PEACE on Earth and let it begin with me.   AMEN...SO BE IT.  ( to hear this popular peace song, click link)      v=wRFNg-Eyt_0 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Search PRAYER http:// connectwithlucyusingphotos.