JESUS, THE CHRIST TRINITY Why is Jesus called Jesus Christ? because Jesus is fully human and fully divine (paradox). How does Jesus fit into the triune God? Perhaps we can best see that in Jesus'prayer: THAT THEY MAY BE ONE AS YOU AND I FATHER ARE ONE... Granted we know that God is beyond gender but the term Abba/Father implies love, so Jesus becomes HIS unique beloved Son and the love we feel in our heart, is the Holy Spirit. Now we have Trinity called by Christians. Hinduism, the oldest religion calls it by different names: SAT, CHIT, ANANDA. TRINITY is one, universal, inclusive and a powerful reality. We are invited to dance with the joyful relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. SAT-CHIT-ANANDA, BEING-KNOWLEDGE-HAPPINESS, FATHER-SON-SPIRIT, TRUTH IS ONE AND UNIVERSAL. Richard Rohr OFM from his book: DEVINE DANCE. FROM THE FIRST MOMENT OF THE BIG BANG, NATURE WAS REVEALING THE GLORY AND GOODNESS OF THE DEVINE Richard Rohr from his book UNIVERSAL CHRIST, ...
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