JESUS, THE CHRIST TRINITY Why is Jesus called Jesus Christ? because Jesus is fully human and fully divine (paradox). How does Jesus fit into the triune God? Perhaps we can best see that in Jesus'prayer: THAT THEY MAY BE ONE AS YOU AND I FATHER ARE ONE... Granted we know that God is beyond gender but the term Abba/Father implies love, so Jesus becomes HIS unique beloved Son and the love we feel in our heart, is the Holy Spirit. Now we have Trinity called by Christians. Hinduism, the oldest religion calls it by different names: SAT, CHIT, ANANDA. TRINITY is one, universal, inclusive and a powerful reality. We are invited to dance with the joyful relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. SAT-CHIT-ANANDA, BEING-KNOWLEDGE-HAPPINESS, FATHER-SON-SPIRIT, TRUTH IS ONE AND UNIVERSAL. Richard Rohr OFM from his book: DEVINE DANCE. FROM THE FIRST MOMENT OF THE BIG BANG, NATURE WAS REVEALING THE GLORY AND GOODNESS OF THE DEVINE Richard Rohr from his book UNIVERSAL CHRIST, 2019. THE CREATOR'S SUPREME POWER, WISDOM AND BENEVOLENCE SHINE FORTH THROUGH ALL CREATED THINGS. Bonaventure p. 57 Although the bible does not use the word TRINITY, many references infer/imply it. Let us consider the words of Peter in response to Jesus' question re His identity: YOU ARE THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. (Matt 16:16) and the words of Paul: DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLS IN YOU? (1 Cor 3:16) (Divine indwelling) ... CHRIST IS ALL IN ALL (Col 3:11) (Divine everywhere in nature/universe/cosmos) and the cosmic/universal Christ: CHRIST IS THE IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE GOD, THE FIRSTBORN OVER ALL CREATION. (1 Col 15) also THE SPIRIT OF GOD WAS HOVERING OVER THE WATERS...(Gen 1:2) Lao Tzu had sensed the SPIRIT OF GOD/SPIRIT OF LOVE when he said: WE LOOK AND DO NOT SEE IT. IT'S NAME IS THE INVISIBLE. Black Elk also sensed the LOVE OF GOD/LOVE OF SPIRIT when he said: IS NOT THE SKY A FATHER AND THE EARTH A MOTHER? ORDINARY MATTER IS THE HIDING PLACE FOR SPIRIT, AND THUS THE BODY OF GOD...Richard Rohr OFM and the words of Jesus: MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS BAPTISING THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT. (Matt 28:19) For more on Trinity, read DIVINE DANCE 2016, by Ricbard Rohr OFM with (Mike Morrell). WHATEVER IS GOING ON IN GOD IS A FLOW, A RADICAL RELATEDNESS, A PERFECT COMMUNION BETWEEN THE THREE- A CIRCLE DANCE OF LOVE. Rohr p. 27 Rohr explains why the Trinity was forgotten and how we can revive our meaning in the true God and start dancing. For me the triune aspect of God is : LOVE/LIGHT/LIFE, CREATION/EVOLUTION/SPIRIT, ULTIMATE REALITY/JESUS CHRIST/us. In the patriarchal culture of that day, Jesus had to be male (women did not count) and he had to refer to God as Father...However,GOD/CHRIST is beyond gender. Jesus became the Christ at Resurrection but as the ULTIMATE REALITY (which cannot be limited by any name or concept), Christ is eternal. ( PIC... I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (Jn 8:12) AS A MOTHER COMFORTS HER CHILD, I WILL COMFORT YOU. (Is 6:13) YOU ARE THE SALT AND THE LIGHT OF THIS WORLD....Jesus to his disciples (Matt 5:13-14) Search JESUS, UNIVERSAL CHRIST and CREATION on the blog. UPDATE WITH PICS


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