PARADOX   According to the dictionary, a paradox is a statement appearing contradictory, yet true.
Life is a paradox because many events seeming disastrous, bring us meaning and joy. New life means death to behavior destroying us. We need both solitude and community to survive. Breathing to be whole requires both inhaling and exhaling...Negative and positive events are part of life and therefore requires no judging.  The wisdom is in resisting to label them bad or good but simply in accepting the event as it is. Darkness often brings light. Our struggles, crosses, suffering, pain,  can be transforming. (see yin/yang....two opposite but complementary, bringing balance to life)
If we can live with the tension of opposites, we might find freedom and hope because in the midst of tension, Someone is there taking care of us... In our struggle, we eventually see the blessing, the Grace moment, the God moment.

Like Jonas, I find myself traveling toward my destiny in the belly of paradox...Thomas Merton

Perhaps contradictions are not impediments to the spiritual life but an integral part of it...Parker Palmer

I form light and create darkness...Is 45:7
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet....Lk 12:27
Unless you become like little children...Matt 18:3

Though I walk through the valley of death, I fear no evil, for You are there to comfort me...Ps 23

High waves rocking the boat fall back into the ocean.....Foster

First and last follow each other.  Tao Te Ching  

The wise see that there is action in the midst of inaction....the Gita

If we look at almost all things honestly, we see that everything has a character of paradox to it, everything including ourselves...R. Rohr  ( for more by Rohr see archives from CAC.... Center for Action and Contemplation)

Be patient with all that is unresolved within your heart and try to love the question...Rainer Rilke

Darkness as well as light can teach us.    Chittister

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