HAPPINESS.......is a discovery from the heart.  Happiness is the discovery of what makes us tick in life, of what we/you  desire most. It is the discovery of knowing ourselves, our gifts and how we can best use them to fulfill us and help others in the process. Since it is a process, it has no time limit.
Events teach us, mature us, lead us to hopefully the right path...
Happiness is not cheap thrills lasting a few moments or a few hours. It is not accumulating more or different stuff. It is not something we do to distract ourselves from routine. Seeking quick pleasures and flattering the ego are short-lived.
Happiness is lasting. It is the joy and peace we have from doing whatever  we/you do best wherever we/you are at in life.

Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing oneself is enlightenment.   Lao Tzu

The journey from self-hatred to self-love involves learning to meet, accept, and open to the being that you are.   John Welwood

A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.  Chinese Proverb

If you want to be happy, practice compassion.   Dalai Lama

Seek for the deepest inclination of your heart and follow it.   Hasidic wisdom

Happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy cause.  Helen Keller

See also Beatitudes.  Matt 5:1-12

Happiness is the abiding sense of a life well lived.  Joan Chittister  ( post inspired by her book FOLLOWING THE PATH,  2012 )


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(pic sent by a friend)

For a wide-ranging study on the topic, read HAPPINESS, 2011 by Joan Chittister.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNq_DTmVCWs       for more on happiness listen to DESIDERATA


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