SEASONS      Seasons are wonderful but not always easy to take. Each season has beauty to offer. The four seasons bring to mind the four stages of life.
Spring means new life, new beginnings, rebirth. It brings to mind school days, graduation, new relationships.
Summer is for abundant blooms of every color, romance, weddings, children, adventure, joy.
Autumn also means color but of a different hue. Autumn is like middle age, the second half of life where one still has energy to volunteer, to travel. It is harvest time after the work of summer; it is a time where  for most people, the spiritual life becomes a major interest.
Then comes winter, a time to surrender and to cope with the harsher weather_ the cold wind, the darkness, the rain, the frost,  the snow...It is not an easy season of life to let go of our younger years, our independence, and most of the activities we love. It is not easy to accept the loss of loved ones, especially a partner or someone we valued and shared with many of life's experiences. Yet, our losses can be transforming if taken the right way...after all, winter is the birthplace of spring, new LIFE.
 Winter is a season we cannot avoid. Winter gives us  more time to email, to read, to rest, to reflect, to connect with friends, to just be, and to blog...:)


The seasons of life make us grow and prepare us for the greatest adventure.  Winter is not easy but in all seasons, one can experience joy profound.

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the sun...Eccl 1:1

Every mountain of every stage of life is to be conquered with a smile.  J. Chittister

Namaste...lucy    search INDEX

watch a very short youtube on universal thoughts re SEASONS at


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