COMMUNITY       Community is belonging. We find community first in our home with our family, then with our friends, our church parish, our faith groups, our affinity groups, our organizations, our clubs and also at work.
True community builds relationships, bonds us together with compassion and prayer.
True community is healthy; it makes us free to share thoughts, feelings, sorrows, joys, faith; it helps us on the journey of life.

Listen to Barbra Streisand sing People who need people

Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.  Rollo May

Without the human community, one single human cannot survive.  the Dalai Lama

It is through belonging that we can break out of the shell of individualism and self-centredness that both protects and isolates us.   Jean Vanier

We have all known the long loneliness, and we have found that the answer is community.   Dorothy Day

Forgiveness is the cement of community life.   H. Nouwen

Christ holds everything together.....Col 1:17

Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much.   Helen Keller

Community is a matter of the heart and mind...; it is the essence of the soul.   Joan Chittister


affinity group

For community with the natural world search ECOLOGY

A big thank you to all my readers and to those who have commented one way or another. Also I wish to thank again Blogger for allowing me to share my photos and my thoughts with you. Thank you also to Face Book and Twitter for allowing me to share with the public. 
Namaste....lucy matthews


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