CENTERING PRAYER is what the Christian tradition calls contemplation.  Other traditions have other words to express this type of meditation/interior silence where one connects with the True Self, the Divine/Spirit Self and intends to live in the NOW of the Presence. Eckhart Tolle, a non-traditionalist, calls it STILLNESS and POWER OF NOW. Whether we call it Stillness, Centering, Satori, Meditation..., they are all forms of prayer answering the soul's needs.
Contemplative  living is very transforming since it is Spirit/Being doing the work with of course our consent and cooperation; it heals the wounds of our human condition and gives us peace.
 To return to the intent of Centering, when one realizes that thoughts are taking over the meditation, one returns gently to the breath or to the sacred word which both can also be synchronized as one.
For example, if YAHWEH is the sacred word, inhale on YAH, and exhale on WEH.    It connects us with the Divine Self, author of life/breath.
 As Keating writes, CP is a way of cultivating friendship with God, the Ultimate Reality.

For more on this topic, google centering prayer or read the book MANIFESTING GOD, 2005,
or OPEN MIND OPEN HEART, 2006, by Thomas Keating.

The spiritual journey does not require going anywhere because God/ the Ultimate Reality is already with us and in us.
The yearning for God is actually God yearning for you...
As you practice Centering Prayer, you begin to experience the value of inner silence, which reveals the true self. The presence of God can also be experienced through the love of nature, deep friendship, conjugal love, generous service of others, or the discoveries of genuine science.   Thomas Keating  ( 1923-2018, Cistercian monk, founder of Centering Prayer and Contemplative Outreach Ltd.)

Being still, looking, and listening activates the nonconceptual intelligence within you.
Let stillness direct your words and action.  Eckhart Tolle from his book STILLNESS SPEAKS, 2003, p. 9.

Contemplation is any way one has of penetrating illusion and touching reality.
Parker Palmer (Quaker)

Nondual or contemplative consciousness is about receiving and being present to the moment and to the Now,  exactly as it is...Rohr
( For some, simply accepting the reality of now is their contemplation.)

When you want to pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret.   Matt 6:6

I stand at the door and knock, if you hear me call and open the door, I'll come right in and sit down to supper with you.   Rev 3:20  from the Message bible.

(pic sent by a friend)

search also PRAYER and TRUE SELF


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