
Showing posts from July, 2019


PLENTY & POVERTY       When is plenty poverty?...  when excessive consumption is never enough.      If we can appreciate what we have, it will lead us to peace and to God moments. Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.    Eric Fromm Overwhelmed by quantity, we lose all awareness of life crystallized into small pieces of joy and insight and gratitude.    Joan Chittister  (post inspired from her book BETWEEN THE DARK AND THE DAYLIGHT, 2015) O God of the poor, touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth.    Pope Francis SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL for more, search WINNING & LOSING or INDEX http://connectwithlucyusingph  


CIVILITY the result of our awareness of the sacredness of earth, of others and of oneself. If that awareness is missing, we see disrespect for Mother Earth,  for others, and for our own body. The following behavior results: drug addiction, drunkenness, maiming of oneself or others, killings (wars, genocide). And towards the earth, we destroy the environment, the ecosystem; we show little respect for the property of others; garbage and air pollution is seen everywhere... Civility is really kindness, consideration for ourselves and for others, respect for the rights of others. And it starts with us... Civility is inborn gentleness and desire to do the opponent good.    Gandhi Civility is the art and act of caring for others.    Deborah King My religion is KINDNESS.    Dalai Lama There can be no civility without a deep morality... Ralf W. Emerson kindness...a God moment KINDNESS LOVE RESPECT search LOVE http:/...


SURRENDER is  not  giving up as when an army submits to the other side. Surrender means letting our Higher Self  (called the Universal Force/Flow by Singer) take control of our life.  For that to happen, we have to let go the voice of ego ( voice of resistance) chattering in our mind wanting to control events. For years I had been willing to let go of my personal preferences and focus on doing the absolute best I could with what life presented to me...a life built for me, not by me. Challenging situations create the force needed to bring about change. I was learning to sit quietly in the midst of the howling winds and wait and to see what constructive action was being ask of me.    Michael A. Singer from his book THE SURRENDER EXPERIMENT, 2015,  (post inspired by that book) If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart.    Buddha Self conquest is really self-surrender.    Thomas Merton Can anyone of you by worrying...


HOPE ....  Hope  gives us courage in times of trials.  Patients were often given a photo with quote to give them hope. Now, I need the same HOPE and courage to cope with my health challenge. " Hope is the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out..."  V. Havel " Hope is to remain open to the possibility of surprise..."  David Steindl-Rast " Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure."  Rumi " Hope is the one thing that is stronger than fear. "  Buddha "Hope is the golden cord connecting you to heaven..."   Sarah Young " Those who hope in the Lord, will soar on wings like eagles..."  Is 40:31 "   For I know the plans I have for you..., plans to give you hope and a future."   Jer 29:11 The journey to the wellsprings of hope  is really a journey toward the center, toward the innermost ground of our being...    Cynthia  Bourgeault I AM WITH YOU ALW...


Image a discovery from the heart.   Happiness is the discovery of what makes us tick in life, of what we/ you  desire most. It is the discovery of knowing ourselves, our gifts and how we can best use them to fulfill us and help others in the process. Since it is a process, it has no time limit. Events teach us, mature us, lead us to hopefully the right path... Happiness is not cheap thrills lasting a few moments or a few hours. It is not accumulating more or different stuff. It is not something we do to distract ourselves from routine. Seeking quick pleasures and flattering the ego are short-lived. Happiness is lasting. It is the joy and peace we have from doing whatever  we/ you do best wherever we/ you  are at in life. Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing oneself is enlightenment.    Lao Tzu The journey from self-hatred to self-love involves learning to meet, accept, and open to the being that you are.    John Welwood A bir...


AUTHORS       There are hundreds of excellent spiritual authors who have prepared me for this blog over the years, but I was unaware of it until much later. It made me and my blog universal,   meaning an all-embracing faith in Life whose Ultimate Source is always alive and can be awakened in anyone. This blog briefly explains each post and gives quotes to show its universality.  Here are some authors from the 20th-21st century who could inspire you as well.   ( most authors/books  listed are likely available at your local library ) Eckhart Tolle   (b. in Germany,  living in Canada )    STILLNESS,  POWER OF NOW,  NEW EARTH, ONENESS WITH ALL LIFE Thich Nhat Hanh ( Vietnamese Buddhist monk....Plum Tree Village, France ) HEART OF UNDERSTANDING Pema Chodron   ( b. US , living in Canada )  NO TIME TO LOSE L. Vaughan -Lee ( Sufi mystic )   LIGHT OF ONENESS Richard Rohr  ( found...


SERVICE          To serve means to find happiness. Service gives us purpose in life; our love for others changes us and brings peace to the world. One thing I know, the only one among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.... Albert Schweitzer We must be the change we wish to see in the world...... Gandhi, Mahatma (great soul) The fruit of love is service..... Mother Teresa Mercy is the root that blossoms into  living acts of "lovingkindness".    Mirabai Starr A new heart I will give you and a new spirit I will put within you... Ez 36:26 Whatever you do to the least of them, you do it to me.   Matt 25:40 Feed the hungry ,   visit the sick...assist the oppressed whether Muslim or non-Muslim.  Hadith Compassion and indignant anger are still needed today if we are to break out the fetters that bind us... Jean Vanier ( founder of l'Arche ) (for more , click this link, search INDE...


PRAYER ....This post was inspired from reading an excellent book on PRAYER...A Portrait of a World at Prayer...edited by John Gatusso, containing over 100 photographs of people in prayer worldwide and 20 some texts by masters/leaders like the Dalai Lama, Thomas Merton, Gandhi, Desmond Tutu, Karen Armstrong and others. The book shows clearly how prayer is universal; it indicates our oneness with the entire human family. All peoples wish to connect with a Higher Reality. As Karen writes,  all the world's faiths do not see the sacred as simply Something "out there" but as a Reality that is encountered in the depths of our own being.  p.26  The desire for divine Reality is inherent in all humans and it is reciprocal, that is the Divine also seeks us. Prayer does not change the mind of God but it does make us realize that we need comfort from a Higher Source. Our special moments, Grace moments, God moments , are indeed a prayer; the Divine Reality is connecting, touching our...


STILLNESS            If we connect with the stillness within, we will discover happiness, lasting peace and serenity. Stillness is your essential nature. Your innermost sense of self of who you are is inseparable from stillness. You feel a oneness with whatever you perceive in and through stillness.  E. Tolle  ( see his book titled STILLNESS SPEAKS, 2003)  In stillness, creativity and solutions to problems are found.... E. Tolle Our true home is the present moment.... Thich Nhat Hanh Be still and know that I am God....... Ps 46:10 I keep myself in his presence by simple attentiveness and a loving gaze upon God... Brother Lawrence Choosing stillness in the midst of chaos is the path to peace...... D. Chopra Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplish........ Lao Tzu The earth offers a calming stillness.... John O'Donohue Still beauty living in the moment...   Stately and no worry... Be still... ...


GRATITUDE         Gratitude is a high spiritual gift. It keeps us surrendered, peaceful and free of worry. A grateful person acknowledges daily blessings from people, nature, and events. Gratitude connects us to our Divine Self and helps us in our trials. It is the door to God moments. Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.... Beecher Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love endures forever..... 1 Chr 16:34 , Ps 136   In everything give thanks... Th 5:18 A grateful heart protects you from negative thinking.    Sarah Young Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder..... Chesterton Be grateful for every detail of your life...,your face will shine like the will bring gladness and peace to others. Gratitude is the wine of the soul... Rumi Gratitude turns what we have into enough.  Buddha Delight in the gift of life and be grateful.     P.J. Palmer Gratitude is the door to God's Presence...


SUMMER  touches the heart with joy and color. It is a pleasure for those who delight in photography. pink dogwood hydrangea roses water lily dogwood lily pic sent by a friend foxgloves (pic sent by a friend) (pic sent by a friend) search INDEX http://connectwithlucyusingp