
Showing posts from September, 2019


Is there a need to be anchored  in one faith tradition or religion?... That is a timely question in this day and age when many opt for no religious practice. Here are the advantages of being anchored in one or more faith tradition or religion. A faith tradition when well understood and well presented, answers basic human needs:  1) the need to worship with others  2)  the need for real community where one is supported. The timely questions should be: Is my religion answering the basic needs of its people? How can I  help? Is my view universal? N.B.    For those who are disappointed with their own faith tradition or religion, consider what the wise Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh recommends: investigate the real ,  often lost teachings of your own faith tradition   and bloom. All the world's faiths do not see the sacred as simply Something "out there" but as a Reality that is encountered in the depths of our own being.    ...


LOVE AND LIGHT SUSTAIN ALL OF CREATION CREDO   The pioneer of long ago had a certain candor towards the beauty of Creation,  a candor we seem to have lost. I recall my dad singing LE CREDO DU PAYSAN, (The Creed of a Countryman ) with sincerity of heart. If you know French, google its lyrics. Hope this blog restores your love of nature and your praises to its Creator. Praise the Lord in all of Creation...Ps 148 clip art ( sent by a friend) (pic sent by a friend) (pic sent by a friend)  for more search CREATION       http://connectwithlucyusingp   or   watch a 1-2 min. video on CREATION at  


BLESSING FOR ALL ABSOLUTE/ULTIMATE/ DIVINE REALITY/ONE, MAY WE LIVE IN THE AWARENESS OF YOUR PRESENCE  EVERYWHERE, WITHIN US, AMONG US, IN THE BEAUTY OF NATURE AND THE HARMONY OF THE COSMOS. BY LIVING SO, MAY WE EXPRESS OUR GRATITUDE FOR YOUR LOVE AND GIVE YOU GLORY AND PRAISE IN THE MOMENT. AMEN...SO BE IT. PRAYER  should bring us to an altar where no walls or names exist.    Rabia Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-ending stream! May that stream gather momentum in this place... Prophet Amos PRAISE !! BLESSINGS/PRAYERS HAVE NO BOARDERS. When Archbishop Tutu visited  the Dalai Lama in India on his 80th birthday, towards the end of their visit, the Archbishop gave the following blessing to the Dalai Lama, a blessing we can all receive. “Dear Child of God ( Pure Being ), you are loved with a love that nothing can shake, a love that loved you long before you were created, a love that will be there long afte...


Most FRIENDSHIPS  are based on a mutual interest, and when that interest disappears, so does the friendship. What we all need is a soul friend, faithful, loyal, willing to  support us along this life's journey with its struggles and its joys. But how do we keep our friend(s)?... Common interests is a good base to start our friendships, however, we should  remember the following: Consider the Spirit/Divine in yourSelf and in the other.  We are ONE with the other(s). Reflect together at home or in nature; ponder on the beauty of nature together and build trust__the key to lasting friendship. Soul friendship is a blessing worth striving for and it needs a spiritual dimension to survive. Seeing Spirit in everyone lifts the veil of separation      Dalai Lama . My friendship flows from the Highest Source...  Gandhi Our longing for more arises from what is infinite within us.  John Welwood Friendship is the only cure for hatred, the o...


CENTERING PRAYER is what the  Christian tradition  calls  contemplation.  Other traditions have other words to express this type of meditation/interior silence where one connects with the True Self, the Divine/Spirit Self and intends to live in the NOW of the Presence. Eckhart Tolle, a non-traditionalist, calls it STILLNESS and  POWER OF NOW. Whether we call it Stillness, Centering, Satori, Meditation..., they are all forms of prayer answering the soul's needs. Contemplative  living is very transforming since it is Spirit/ Being doing the work with of course our consent and cooperation; it heals the wounds of our human condition and gives us peace.  To return to the intent of Centering, when one realizes that thoughts are taking over the meditation, one returns gently to the breath or to the sacred word which both can also be synchronized as one. For example, if YAHWEH is the sacred word, inhale on YAH, and exhale on WEH.    It connects u...


TRUE SELF          This post in a way, summarizes briefly all the posts in this blog since by living from the True Self, the Spirit Self, one will experience stillness, mindfulness, oneness, beauty, Grace moments/G od moments , freedom, peace, happiness and joy profound; one will live with gratitude and civility; one will live the contemplative  life without a monastery or a cave. First, for example, the ego which helps us to eat when hungry and to clothe when cold, is a functional ego needed for human development. However, when the ego is dysfunctional or inflated, it seeks to control, to blame, to judge negatively people and events, refuses to forgive and leads to harm and to unhappiness. And that is living from the imbalanced ego self, often called the  inadequate false self  or the shadow side of the ego. Now, what is the True Self  ? It is the essence  of who we are...beloved of God/the Ultimate Reality. Perhaps our upbringing, ed...


UNIVERSAL REALITY of essence for tolerance and peace in the world. Upon further reading and reflection, I now understand a bit more how  ONENESS and UNIVERSAL REALITY are truly related and most important.  Grasping one or the other even in a small dose, makes us realize the essence of LIFE and how we are all interconnected with each other and with the Ultimate Reality. We are indeed One Big Big Family......  7 billion of us who need to respect each person in order to create unity and peace. The Light of Love shines on everyone and everything !! This triune Love is about relationship and not hierarchy...(see my diagram below) Post inspired after reading WORLD WITHOUT END, 2017 by Thomas Keating with L Verboven Unity/Oneness is union with everyone and every thing.  T. Keating Nothing really matters except the Ultimate Reality, but also everything matters because of the Ultimate Reality.    T. Keating   Spiritually enlightened people from ...